Tuesday, December 05, 2006

XD-9 MAGAZINES - Country park activity centre gets moving

WAG - Wild Ass Guess
WECSOG - Wile E. Coyote School Of Gunsmithing (unconventional, unprofessional [although not necessarily poor quality], make-do with what you've got gunsmithing - usually done at home with few tools, often involving a file and/or hammer)
WOA - White Oak Armament (retailer of AR-15 parts - website)
WOP - White Oak Precision (builder of custom AR-15 and AR-10 uppers - website)
WSSM - Winchester Super Short Magnum
WTB - Want(ed) To Buy
WTF - What The F**k
WTK - Want(ed) To Know
WTS - Want(ed) To Sell
WTT - Want(ed) To Trade
WWB - Winchester White Box (In AR-15 context, Q3131A ammunition made in Israel to M193 specifications - relatively inexpensive but reliable general purpose ammo)

XCR - eXchangeable Caliber Rifle* (Robinson Armament's modular battle rifle, originally intended as a SCAR contender)
XM193 - M193 ammunition packaged for sale to civilians (may fail to meet some aspect of military standard - see the Ammo Oracle)
XM8 - Designation of a modular weapon system that may replace the M16 family of rifles. Adoption of the XM8 is uncertain. (brochure, overview)

YHM - Yankee Hill Machine (manufacturer of rails, mounts, forearms, sights and other AR-15 accessories - website)
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary

Z - Zero (marked on some A2-style rear sight elevation knobs to indicate the position at which the knob should be set when establishing a battlesight zero on a 25-meter range according to standard military doctrine)
ZM - Z-Man or Zitta-Man {Weapons} (manufacturer of the LR-300 op-rod gas system upper/rifle and LR-300/AR-15 accessories - website)


Country park activity centre gets moving
Edinburgh News - Mary Mulligan MSP, who officially opened the building yesterday said: "Outdoor facilities such as we have in Beecraigs should be at the heart of our health improvement agenda - to improve both physical and mental health. "However if we are to

Solution Providers See 2007 Sales Windfall
CRN - The robust outlook comes after Powersolution.com underwent a costly, nine-month evaluation of the major MSP platforms this year, which ultimately led the solution provider to select LPI Level Platforms. "I think we are going to see the fruits of our

Daily Mirror - Scottish Parliament MSP Jackie Baillie said the fleet's Faslane base is vital to the local economy. But SNP spokesman Angus Robertson said: "It is an immoral waste of money. It would be better spent on public services and properly supporting

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