Tuesday, December 19, 2006

AR-15 Parts - Radical Jews call for wiping out Palestinians

AR-15 Acronyms L

IAD - Immediate Action Drill (a sequence of actions performed in response to a situation requiring immediate and instinctive resolution - in this context a weapon malfunction)
IBTJBT - In Before The Jack Booted Thugs AR15
IBTL - In Before The Lock (posting in a thread that has gone bad and is likely soon to be locked)
IBZ - Improved Battlesight Zero (All purpose zero invented by Lt. Colonel Chuck Santose. Set at 50 yards, it gives a very flat trajectory out to 250 meters. Instructions here.)
ID - Inside Diameter
ID - Involuntary Discharge (an unintentional discharge of a weapon resulting from a physical reaction beyond the shooter's instant control - e.g. a muscle spasm)
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IM - Instant Message (a private communication between forum members, accessed via the button at the top of the page)
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IPSC - International Practical Shooting Confederation (organizes and sponsors shooting competitions emphasizing a combination of AR-15 accessories, power, and speed - website)
IRL - In Real Life



Radical Jews call for wiping out Palestinians
Middle East Online - Baruch Ben Yossef, the group's lawyer, gesturing to the Jewish radicals milling about spilling sponge cake crumbs onto books This is a revenge song," Shurin says before strumming into an upbeat, feel good, clap along ditty about Biblical Samson's

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