Wednesday, December 20, 2006

AR15 parts - AR-15 Acronyms T- Glow Sticks UBR - Utility/Battle Rifle

AR-15 Acronyms T- Glow Sticks

UBR - Utility/Battle Rifle (a general purpose adjustable stock made by Magpul, with a fixed cheekweld. Successor to the M93B.)
UD - Unintentional Discharge (a weapon discharge made without deliberate or conscious intent, including accidental, involuntary and negligent discharges Glow sticks)
URX - Upper Receiver eXtension (a free-floating rail system made by Knight's Armament)
USGI - United States Government Issue (often in reference to magazines - most regard USGI mags as the best Glow stick
USMC - United States Marine Corps



AR-15 Acronym C

C3 - Class 3 (a class of restricted weapons as defined by the NFA, including machineguns, supressors, short-barrelled rifles, short-barrelled shotguns, etc.)
CAA - Command Arms Gun Accessories (manufacturer of accessories and gear for various weapons - AR15)
CAR - Carbine
C.A.R. - Colt Automatic Rifle
CC - Concealed Carry
CCH - Cut Carry Handle (a carry handle cut down to form a BUIS)
CCL - Concealed Carry License
CCO - Close Combat Optic (an optic designed for close range use, typically low power, parallax free and with long eye relief. The Aimpoint M68 is an example.)
CCP - Concealed Carry Permit
CCW - Concealed Carry Weapon
CH - Carry Handle
CH - Charging Handle
CIII - Class 3 (a class of restricted weapons as defined by the NFA, including machineguns, supressors, short-barrelled rifles, short-barrelled shotguns, etc.)
CLE - Compass Lake Engineering (manufacturer of competition service rifles and space guns - website)
CLIN - Contract Line Item Number
CLP - Cleaner, Lubricant, Protectant (all-purpose gun maintenance product - example one, example two, Fiber optic sight three)
CMP - Civilian Marksmanship Program (website)
CMMG - Not an acronym, just a name (retailer of AR-15, parts and accessories - website)
CMT - Continental Machine and Tool (contract manufacturer of AR15 uppers and lowers)
COC - Code Of Conduct (the rules governing your use of this site)
COLL - Collapsible (as in a collapsible stock)
CONUS - Continental United States (the lower 48 states and the District of Columbia, not including Alaska or Hawaii)
CQB - Close Quarters Battle
CQ/T (also CQT) - Close Quarters / Tactical (a 1-3x optic made by Leupold and designed for close quarters battle with some mid-range capability as well)
C&R - Curios and Relics (firearms that are officially recognized as collectible due to some unique quality such as age. The ATF maintains a list of qualified C&R firearms that C&R license holders can purchase via interstate commerce without the services of an FFL dealer. More information)
CTR - Compact/Type Restricted (an adjustable carbine stock made by Magpul, with a friction lock feature)
CYA - Cover Your Ass


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