AR-15 Acronyms P- Gun Accessories
P2P - Person to Person (used in chat, may also be used to refer to face to face sales)
PAFS - Permanently Attached Flash Suppressor (generally permanantly attached in order to bring a barrel's overall Gun Accessories to 16" and thus avoid the legal restrictions on SBRs)
PD - Police Department
PDW - Personal Defense Weapon (a generally compact weapon designed primarily for defensive rather than offensive operations, for example the pistol grip)
PEBCAK - Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard (indirect way of saying "user error")
PEBKAC - Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair (indirect way of saying "user error")
PIA - Pain In (the) Ass
PIE (as in "I like") - Origins aside (there's a clean and dirty version), it's another version of "I have no meaningful comment on this subject", ala +1.
PITA - Pain In The Ass
PM - Preventative Maintenance
PM - Private Message (see IM)
PMO - Postal Money Order
POA - Point Of Aim
POF - Patriot Ordnance Factory (manufacturer of gas piston AR-15 uppers and rail systems, importer of HK parts from Pakistan Ordnance Factories - website)
POI - Point Of Impact
POS - Pile Of Sh*t
PRI - Precision Reflex Incorporated (website)
PRK - People's Republic of Kalifornia (a name for California that alludes to the state's rather draconian, some would say Communist-like, anti-gun laws)
PRNJ - People's Republic of New Jersey (see PRK)
PRNY - People's Republic of New York (see PRK)
PRS - Precision Rifle/Sniper (a precision stock made by Magpul, adjustable for height and LOP)
PSD - Personal Security Detail/Detachment (a group of security specialists who travel with and provide personal protection for a high-ranking Harris bipod or valuable person)
PWA - Pac West Arms
Catholic leader backs Scottish independence
Scotsman - Gordon (1), please keep your divide 'n' rule drivel to yourself. The Cardinal has a right to express his view and it's the Last night, SNP MSP Linda Fabiani, called for a public inquiry. "The Scottish Executive must agree to find out how widespread
Lawyers say rise in legal aid will jeopardise fair trials
Scotsman - At the moment we have 1,500 solicitors registered to do criminal legal aid in lawyers to act as a buffer and protector of Joe Public the current cabal of MSP's The principal of "equality of length of arms" is also very important in assuring a
Read it online
Amnesty International USA - At the latest count, there were more than 1.8 million members, supporters and subscribers in over 150 countries and territories in every region of the world. Although they come from many different backgrounds and have widely different political and
Reid's speech cuts odds on leadership bid
Scotsman - today does not have the support among MPs, trade unions or party members to mount an Mr Beare, a constituency advisor to MSP Tricia Marwick, polled 892 votes to take and burnt them afterwards it would be better than driving Afghans into the arms of
Anti-Scottish feeling laid bare over question of next Prime Minister
Scotsman - 1. SG , West Lothian / 11:50pm 15 Oct 2006 Ah.. the Labour Party brings the union to its knees. Who would have thought it? Report as unsuitable 2. Joe / 12:06am 16 Oct 2006 This proves that Scots are not considered equal within the British union. It's taken
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