Wednesday, November 29, 2006

AR-15 MAGAZINES - AR-15 Acronyms L - Night Sights LAR - L.A.R.

AR-15 Acronyms L - Night Sights

LAR - L.A.R. Manufacturing (
LC - Lake City (a federally owned, contractor operated plant in Missouri where small arms ammunition is made for the U.S. military)
LCW - Lauer Custom Weaponry (gun refinishing and camouflaging services - website)
LE - Law Enforcement
LEGP - Limited Edition Group Purchase
LEO - Law Enforcement Officer
LEO - Law Enforcement Only (an item that can legally be used only by law enforcement agencies and their Night Sights)
LL - Lightning Link (a device for converting a semi-automatic gun to full-auto. By itself considered to be a machine gun under the NFA, and unregistered ones are illegal to even possess with, let alone install in, the guns they convert)
LMAO - Laughing My A$$ Off
LMK - Let Me Know
LMT - Lewis Machine and Tool (manufacturer of AR-15 uppers and accessories - website)
LOL - Laugh Out Loud
LOP - Length Of Pull (the distance from the face of the trigger to the end of the buttstock)
LPK - Lower Parts Kit
LRC - Living Room Commando (a person who buys and opines on expensive tactical gear but who has no actual combat or law enforcement training or Gun Accessories)
LULA - Loader/Unloader Accessory (for fast loading and unloading of magazines - website)
LW or L-W - Leitner-Wise (manufacturer of weapons based on the AR-15 platform, including .499 and gas-piston Gun Accessories - website)
LW - Lightweight



AR-15 Acronyms M- Ghillie suit

M16 - The original full-auto military version of the AR-15 rifle (includes triangular cross-section handguards, early style rear sight that is not adjustable for range, and a 1:12 twist barrel: photos)
M16A1 - Later variant of the M16 that added a forward assist to jam the bolt home when the normal action cycling doesn't: photos)
M16A2 - Later variant of the M16A1 that switched to a range-adjustable rear sight, a 1:7 twist Glow stick barrel, round cross-section handguards and substituted a three-round burst firing mode for the full-auto mode: photos)
M16A3 - Later variant of the M16A2 that substitutes full-auto firing for the three-round burst mode of the M16A2. Initially Ghillie suit by the Navy SEALS: photos)
M16A4 - Later variant of the M16A2 that added a flat-top upper receiver with removable carry handle but maintained the three-round burst firing mode: photos)
M193 - 55 grain FMJBT military cartridge, usable in 1:14 to 1:7 twist barrels (see the Ammo Oracle)
M4 - A 14.5" barrel carbine version of the M16A2. Earlier models have an integral A2 carry handle, later ones have a flat-top upper (photos)
M4A1 - A variant of the M4 that includes full-auto fire and a flat-top upper with removable carry handle (photos)
M4GERY - A rifle designed to mimic the appearance and function of a true M4, but that isn't an official military M4 (pronounced "em forgery")
M855 - 62 grain FMJBT military cartridge, usable in 1:10 to 1:7 twist barrels (see the Ammo Oracle)
MAP - Minimum Advertised Price (A price below which retailers are prohibited from advertising a product. Not all manufacturers/distributors enforce MAP policies, and even when they do, retailers are not legally prohibited from selling below MAP.)
MARPAT - MARine PATtern (a digital camouflage pattern. Examples here, controversy here and Ghillie suits.)
MARS - Multipurpose Aiming Reflex Sight (an Israeli sight that combines a reflex red-dot sight with a laser (visible or IR) aiming light - website)
MIAD - MIssion ADaptable (a modular grip manufactured by Magpul - website)
MOA - Minute Of Angle (a measure of angular displacement equal to 1/60 of one degree, usually used when discussing group sizes - 1 MOA is roughly 1" at 100 yds)
MOUT - Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain - proof mark that indicates Magnetic particle inspection and Proof load firing has been performed on a barrel
MP - Magnetic Particle [inspection/testing] (Magnetic particle inspection is a non-destructive steel inspection method used to ensure that a barrel, for example, is free from metallurgical defects such as cracks. MP is also used as an easily typed representation of the proof mark that is sometimes stamped on a part to indicate it has been MP tested.)
MGI - Mack Gwinn Industries (manufacturer of quick change barrel system and other components for the AR-15 - website)
MRE - More Real Estate (a rail adapter system that extends past the FSB, made by KAC)
MRE - Meal Ready to Eat. The food provision for the US Military.
MRF - Modular Rail Forend (a rail adapter system made by Troy Industries)
MRP - Monolithic Rail Platform (an integrated AR-15 upper receiver and rail adapter system, made by LMT)
MSRP - Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
MRS - Modular Rail System (Leitner-Wise's light-weight, quick-change barrel system designed for use with standard AR-15 Gun Accessories )
MR/T (also MRT) - Mid Range / Tactical (a line of optics made by Leupold and designed for mid-range capability)
MSTN - Mid-South Tactical Network (retailer of AR-15 related gear and accessories - website)
MWS - Modular Weapon System


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