Thursday, November 30, 2006

INTRATEC MAGAZINES - Toward a Functional Framework for Interpreting the Second Amendment

AR-15 Acronyms T- Glow Sticks

UBR - Utility/Battle Rifle (a general purpose adjustable stock made by Magpul, with a fixed cheekweld. Successor to the M93B.)
UD - Unintentional Discharge (a weapon discharge made without deliberate or conscious intent, including accidental, involuntary and negligent discharges Glow sticks)
URX - Upper Receiver eXtension (a free-floating rail system made by Knight's Armament)
USGI - United States Government Issue (often in reference to magazines - most regard USGI mags as the best Glow stick
USMC - United States Marine Corps



Toward a Functional Framework for Interpreting the Second Amendment
... "shooting war" in which the basic individual weapon of combat will be the rifle. ... to arms and the universal militia were significant structural elements ...

Ol' Buffalo Gun Control Page
Hunting and Shooting Sports Heritage Fund. If You Don't Vote Like A Gun Owner ... National Rifle Association. Not About Hunting. NRA. NRA Civil Rights Defense ...

ar15 Night Vision
... Cases, Smith & Wesson Welcome to the Web site of Universal Shooting Academy ... Rifle I-Mount Firearm Training: Shooting Academy: Defensive ...

... Colt, Ruger, Texas Defensive Shooting Academy Universal Phone Case Phone Pouch ... LED Flashlights AR-15 Rifle Slings Rifle Sling Academy AR-15 ACCESSORIES sight, ...

Why Soldiers Fight
Sociologist Roger Little observed a rifle company in combat for several months ... their comrades, they noted the universal practice of deserting with small arms, ...

talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ 2/2
... old, obsolete, unsaleable (and in some cases even non-functional) guns which are ... the initial determinations about a shooting incident, and not the verdict in ...

Famous Quotes on Liberty
... (at least I don't know of any such cases). But one does get the sense these days ... "I've never encountered an assault rifle. ...

... three, he was elected Captain of a rifle company, and frequently led his men to ... prepared for college at an academy in Burton, and entered Yale College, ...

ar-15 parts and accessories "
... Mounts Cases & Drag Bags Scope Covers Shooting WEIGAND COMBAT. ... speaker shooting screen salt royal roberts ride weakness universal threw ...

2005 SHOT Show exhibitor's guide Shooting Industry - Find Articles
... 14002 National Rifle Association 3769 National Shooting Sports Foundation 9601 ... 3375 United States Practical Shooting 9533 Universal Laser Systems, Inc. ...

Ruger 10/22 Gun (M14 RIFLES) Accessories Blog Archive ...

AR-15 Acronyms Q- Gun Accessories

Q3131A - M193 ammunition packaged for sale to civilians (may fail to meet some aspect of military standard - see the Ammo Oracle)
QCB - Quick Change Barrel
QD - Quick Detach

RA - Robinson Armament (manufacturer of the M96 and XCR series of piston operated .223 rifles - Glow sticks)
RAS - Rail Adapter System
RBP - RB Precision (retailer of AR-15s and accessories - website)
RDIAS - Registered Drop-In Auto Sear (a DIAS legally registered under the NFA. By itself considered to be a machine gun under the NFA)
RECCE - Reconnaissance (in this context a 16" free floating match barrel upper, ACOG optic, originally used by SEALS)
RINO - Republican In Name Only
RIS - Rail Interface System
RKBA - Right to Keep and Bear Arms
RKI - Reasonably Knowledgeable Individual
RLL - Registered Lightning Link (a LL legally registered under the NFA. By itself considered to be a machine gun under the Gun Accessories )
ROF - Rate Of Fire
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A$$ Off
RR - Registered Receiver (a receiver, typically for a machine gun, registered under the NFA)
RRA - Rock River Arms (manufacturer of AR-15 rifles - website)
RTFM - Read The Freakin' Manual (substitute for "Freakin'" as desired)



Ruger 10/22 Gun Accessories Blog Archive ...
hand gun accessories - (MICROSOFT WORD) was found on cartridge cases fired from the 9mm Star pistol. Along with the characteristics commonly ...


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SureFire Lithium Batteries are optimized for use in high-output flashlights and WeaponLights. ... BATTERIES: SureFire non-rechargeable flashlights don't use ordinary AA, C, and D size alkaline ...

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Benefits of Surefire tactical lights are superior design, compact size, ruggedness, reliability ... WeaponLights and tactical products from SureFire, the tactical technology company , are the finest ...

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FLASHLIGHTS: SureFire, the tactical technology company , manufactures illumination tools that are powerful, compact, rugged and reliable. Our flashlights produce optimal beams no dark ...

TAURUS HANDGUNS - AR-15 Acronyms F FA - Forward Assist FA -

AR-15 Acronyms F

FA - Forward Assist
FA - Full Auto
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FAR - Featherweight Assault Rifle
FCG - Fire Control Group (the hammer, trigger, disconect, springs and selector)
FDE - Flat Dark Earth (a tan-brown color making inroads as a replacement for black in weapon Night Sights)
FF - Free Float/Floated/Floating
FFL - Federal Firearms License/Licensee (a license that permits one to sell & transfer guns in interstate commerce, or the holder of that AR-15 ACCESSORIES )
FH - Flash Hider
FIRSH - Free Floating Integral Rail System Handguard (see Olympic Arm's Gun Accessories )
FMJ - Full Metal Jacket (a bullet that is fully encased in a metal jacket - see the Gun Accessories )
FMJBT - Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (a FMJ BT bullet - see the Ammo Oracle)
FN - Fabrique Nationale (famous Belgian small arms AR15 manufacturer - FN Herstal website)
FNG - Freakin' New Guy (substitute for "Freakin" as desired)
FNMI - FN Manufacturing, Inc. (Division of Fabrique Nationale located in South Carolina that makes M16s, M240s and M249s for the Gun Accessories - website)
FOIA - Freedom Of Information Act
FP - Firing Pin
FS - Flash Suppressor
FSB - Front Sight Base
FSP - Front Sight Post
FST - Front Sight Tower
FTE - Fail To Eject/Extract (please substitute the more precise FTEj or FTEx as appropriate to make clear your intention)
FTEj - Fail To Eject
FTEx - Fail To Extract
FTF - Face To Face (an in state trade or sale done in person - interstate commerce of firearms is illegal without an FFL)
FTF - Fail To Feed (if used without an unambiguous context, this acronym may be confused with "Fail To Fire" as listed below)
FTF - Fail To Fire (if used without an unambiguous context, this acronym may be confused with "Fail To Feed" as listed above)
FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All AR-15 (substitute more colorful adjective for "Glow sticks" as desired)
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYI - For Your Information



AR-15 Acronyms J - Rifle Scopes

JANFU - Joint Army/Navy F**k Up (for a mess so big that one force alone couldn't have made it by itself)
JBT - Jack-Booted Thug (derived from the name of the military boot made infamous by the goose-stepping Nazis, now applied in a manner to mean any repressive, overly authoritarian person)
JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point (a bullet that is jacketed in metal, but with a hollow cavity at the tip - see Rifle Scopes)
J/K - Just Kidding
JMO - Just My Opinion
JP - John Paul {Enterprises/Rifles} (manufacturer of rifle parts and accessories, particularly known for their trigger parts - website)
JSP - Jacketed Soft Point (a bullet that is jacketed in metal, but with exposed lead at the tip - see the Harris bipods)


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

AR-15 MAGAZINES (BERETTA MAGAZINES) - AR-15 Acronyms L - Night Sights LAR - L.A.R.

AR-15 Acronyms O - Gun Accessories

OAI - Olympic Arms, Inc. (manufacturer of various AR-style rifles - Gun Accessories)
OAL - Overall Length
OBO - Or best offer
OD - Olive Drab (that green color the army is so fond of)
OD - Outside Diameter
OEG - Occluded Eye Gunsight (a sight that projects a dot to the eye but through which you can't actually see the target - hence the term "occluded". It works via binocular vision whereby one eye views the target directly, the other eye views the dot in the sight, and your brain merges the two images together)
OFS - Out Freakin' Standing (substitute for "Freakin'" as desired)
OICW - Objective Individual Combat Weapon (possible M16 replacement weapon system that can fire both normal bullets and airburst fragmenting munitions. The XM8 is based on the normal bullet firing component an early OICW entry. Overview)
OTM - Open Tip Match (a type of hollow point bullet designed for long range accuracy)
OTJT - On The Job Training
OPS - Operations (see also OPS-INC just below)
OPS-INC - O. P. Seberger Incorporated (manufacturer of muzzle breaks and silencers for the U.S. military - website)
OTAL - Offset Tactical Aiming Laser (a laser sight mounted alongside the barrel/handguards/carry handle)



AR-15 Acronyms T- Pistol Grips

T - Top (as in the numbered stations on the top rail of an A4 upper)
TA - Tactical Armadillo (promotional bottle-opener/mascot of LaRue Tactical - website)
TAG - Not an acronym. Used to bookmark (or "tag") a topic for viewing later using the "My Active Topics" button. (Team members only)
TARFU - Things Are Really Fouled Up (substitute more colorful adjective for "Fouled" as desired)
TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (popularized, but not invented, by Robert Heinlein in his 1966 novel The Pistol grips is a Harsh Mistress)
TCH - Tactical Carry Handle (a specialized carry handle made by RRA and designed to mount Aimpoint red dot sights via Aimpoint's low ring - website)
TD - TangoDown (manufacturer of grips, both vertical and pistol - website)
TDP - Technical Data Package (the collection of drawings, engineering notes, etc. that describe in detail the design and construction of an item)
T&E - Test and Evaluation
TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It
TM - Technical Manual
TPRRRS - Tap, Pull, Rack, Roll, Release, Shoot (an alternative to the traditional SPORTS IAD, described here)
TRB - Tap Rack Bang (an immediate action drill: tap the bottom of the magazine to ensure it is seated, rack the slide, and shoot [bang]. See also SPORTS and TPRRRS)
TSOB - Tough SOB
TTT - Tack To Top


AR-15 MAGAZINES - AR-15 Acronyms L - Night Sights LAR - L.A.R.

AR-15 Acronyms L - Night Sights

LAR - L.A.R. Manufacturing (
LC - Lake City (a federally owned, contractor operated plant in Missouri where small arms ammunition is made for the U.S. military)
LCW - Lauer Custom Weaponry (gun refinishing and camouflaging services - website)
LE - Law Enforcement
LEGP - Limited Edition Group Purchase
LEO - Law Enforcement Officer
LEO - Law Enforcement Only (an item that can legally be used only by law enforcement agencies and their Night Sights)
LL - Lightning Link (a device for converting a semi-automatic gun to full-auto. By itself considered to be a machine gun under the NFA, and unregistered ones are illegal to even possess with, let alone install in, the guns they convert)
LMAO - Laughing My A$$ Off
LMK - Let Me Know
LMT - Lewis Machine and Tool (manufacturer of AR-15 uppers and accessories - website)
LOL - Laugh Out Loud
LOP - Length Of Pull (the distance from the face of the trigger to the end of the buttstock)
LPK - Lower Parts Kit
LRC - Living Room Commando (a person who buys and opines on expensive tactical gear but who has no actual combat or law enforcement training or Gun Accessories)
LULA - Loader/Unloader Accessory (for fast loading and unloading of magazines - website)
LW or L-W - Leitner-Wise (manufacturer of weapons based on the AR-15 platform, including .499 and gas-piston Gun Accessories - website)
LW - Lightweight



AR-15 Acronyms M- Ghillie suit

M16 - The original full-auto military version of the AR-15 rifle (includes triangular cross-section handguards, early style rear sight that is not adjustable for range, and a 1:12 twist barrel: photos)
M16A1 - Later variant of the M16 that added a forward assist to jam the bolt home when the normal action cycling doesn't: photos)
M16A2 - Later variant of the M16A1 that switched to a range-adjustable rear sight, a 1:7 twist Glow stick barrel, round cross-section handguards and substituted a three-round burst firing mode for the full-auto mode: photos)
M16A3 - Later variant of the M16A2 that substitutes full-auto firing for the three-round burst mode of the M16A2. Initially Ghillie suit by the Navy SEALS: photos)
M16A4 - Later variant of the M16A2 that added a flat-top upper receiver with removable carry handle but maintained the three-round burst firing mode: photos)
M193 - 55 grain FMJBT military cartridge, usable in 1:14 to 1:7 twist barrels (see the Ammo Oracle)
M4 - A 14.5" barrel carbine version of the M16A2. Earlier models have an integral A2 carry handle, later ones have a flat-top upper (photos)
M4A1 - A variant of the M4 that includes full-auto fire and a flat-top upper with removable carry handle (photos)
M4GERY - A rifle designed to mimic the appearance and function of a true M4, but that isn't an official military M4 (pronounced "em forgery")
M855 - 62 grain FMJBT military cartridge, usable in 1:10 to 1:7 twist barrels (see the Ammo Oracle)
MAP - Minimum Advertised Price (A price below which retailers are prohibited from advertising a product. Not all manufacturers/distributors enforce MAP policies, and even when they do, retailers are not legally prohibited from selling below MAP.)
MARPAT - MARine PATtern (a digital camouflage pattern. Examples here, controversy here and Ghillie suits.)
MARS - Multipurpose Aiming Reflex Sight (an Israeli sight that combines a reflex red-dot sight with a laser (visible or IR) aiming light - website)
MIAD - MIssion ADaptable (a modular grip manufactured by Magpul - website)
MOA - Minute Of Angle (a measure of angular displacement equal to 1/60 of one degree, usually used when discussing group sizes - 1 MOA is roughly 1" at 100 yds)
MOUT - Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain - proof mark that indicates Magnetic particle inspection and Proof load firing has been performed on a barrel
MP - Magnetic Particle [inspection/testing] (Magnetic particle inspection is a non-destructive steel inspection method used to ensure that a barrel, for example, is free from metallurgical defects such as cracks. MP is also used as an easily typed representation of the proof mark that is sometimes stamped on a part to indicate it has been MP tested.)
MGI - Mack Gwinn Industries (manufacturer of quick change barrel system and other components for the AR-15 - website)
MRE - More Real Estate (a rail adapter system that extends past the FSB, made by KAC)
MRE - Meal Ready to Eat. The food provision for the US Military.
MRF - Modular Rail Forend (a rail adapter system made by Troy Industries)
MRP - Monolithic Rail Platform (an integrated AR-15 upper receiver and rail adapter system, made by LMT)
MSRP - Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
MRS - Modular Rail System (Leitner-Wise's light-weight, quick-change barrel system designed for use with standard AR-15 Gun Accessories )
MR/T (also MRT) - Mid Range / Tactical (a line of optics made by Leupold and designed for mid-range capability)
MSTN - Mid-South Tactical Network (retailer of AR-15 related gear and accessories - website)
MWS - Modular Weapon System
